Authors guidelines - Anuario CEEED

Instructions for Contributors


The Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo is a journal published twice a year (period June-November and December-May) which comes out on the first day of June and December. It publishes manuscripts on economic history, business history and economic and industrial development history. It is indexed in the Sistema Regional de información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Latindex). It belongs to the Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (LatinRev) and is catalogued in both the Centro de Información y Documentación del Ministerio de Hacienda de la Nación de la República Argentina and the Repositorio Digital Institucional de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.  

Contributions must be original scientific articles in Spanish, Portuguese, English or French which have not been published (i.e. new) and have not been submitted to another journal. Authors must fill in and sign a declaration of authorship, professional good practice and copyright cession form that may be downloaded from the following links: and The limit for manuscripts in another language than Spanish will not exceed fifty per cent of the total published in each issue.

Authors must observe the good practice and conduct Codes to which the Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo adheres, established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers. In compliance with this code, the Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo will ensure the scientific quality of its publications, and an adequate response to the needs of readers and authors. The code is targetted to all parties involved in the management and publication of the scientific results of the Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo.  Manuscripts that do not comply with these norms will be rejected.

Manuscripts received are considered by the members of the Editorial Board and external reviewers for referee-evaluation purposes. When publication is approved authors grant the Centro de Estudios Economicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute them through any means. Proposals are received continuously throughout the whole year, and must be submitted by email to , and through the Open Journal Systems (OJS)


Presentation of Manuscripts


Technical Details


  • Articles’ maximum length must not exceed 12000 words including footnotes, tables, graphs, maps, appendices and references in the following patterned format:
  • Font Size and Type: 11 points, Times New Roman.
  • Spacing: Single

Titles, Sections and other text parts must be typed as follows: 

  • Article title: In bold, with centered compensation and in 13 points Font, with no stop at the end.
  • Subtitles: In bold, with justified alineation, and in 11 points Font, with no stop at the end.
  • Footnotes and references of graphs and tables in 10 font size.
  • The title must be in the original language of the submission, Spanish and English.
  • Email address of all authors
  • Complete institutional affiliation with the following information: university, faculty, research center, research department and/or institute as appropriate.
  • ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): If the authors have it they should provide it.
  • Notes and bibliographic citations must stick to the Documentation II system: author-year quotations (with author-year references in basic format. Lists of references and in-text references; and author-year special case references) as detailed in Torres Ripa, Javier, adaptación and ed. 2013. Manual de Estilo Chicago-Deusto. España: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto. This takes into account the “author-year system with notes”. A brief guide of it may be consulted at


Author-date: examples  


The following examples illustrate the quotations used in the author-date system. Each example of an entry in the references list comes with a corresponding in-text reference between brackets. In references list entries the author’s name is reversed. Note that in works with two or more authors only the first name quoted is reversed. In cases where the author-year system is complemented with footnotes or endnotes, the source must be mentioned as is done in the main text. For more details and examples see chapter 15 of the Manual de Estilo de Chicago-Deusto. For examples of the same notes using the notes and bibliography system see chapter 14. 

  1. Book

One author

Duch, Lluís. 1998. Mito, interpretación y cultura. Barcelona: Herder.

Segura, Santiago. 2012. Gramática latina. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.

(Duch 1998, 99-100)

(Segura 2012, 74-76)

Two authors  

León, Orfelio G. e Ignacio Montero. 1993. Diseño de investigaciones: Introducción a la lógica de la investigación en psicología y educación. Madrid: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España.

(León y Montero 1993, 25)

Three authors  

Borrego Nieto, Julio, José J. Gómez Asencio y Emilio Prieto de los Mozos. 1986. El subjuntivo: valores y usos. Madrid: SGEL.

(Borrego Nieto, Gómez Asencio y Prieto de los Mozos 1986)

Four or more authors  

All authors must be included in the list of references entry. The order and punctuation is the same as in the case of books with two or three authors. In the main text only the surname of the first author is included, followed by et al.

(Ojeda et al. 2009, 128-129)

Editor, translator or compiler instead of author  

Notario Ruiz, Antonio, ed. 2005. Contrapuntos estéticos. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

(Notario Ruiz 2005, 24)

Editor, translator or compiler, in addition to author

Fernández Ramírez, Salvador. 1985. La enseñanza de la gramática y la literatura. Editado por José Polo. Madrid: Arco/Libros.

(Fernández Ramírez 1985, 112-23)

Chapter or another part of a book  

Gómez Mendoza, Josefina. 2009. «Ecología urbana y paisaje de la ciudad». En La ciudad del futuro, editado por Antonio Bonet Correa, 177-217. Madrid: Instituto de España.

(Gómez Mendoza 2009)

Preface, Prologue, Introduction or similar part of a book  

Rieger, James. 1982. Introduction to Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, XI-XXXVII. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

(Rieger 1982, XX-XXI)

Electronic book  

If a book is available in more than one format, quotations must refer to the version which has been consulted.  In cases of online consulted books, the URL must be added. Accession date is also advisable. If page numbers are unknown, the section or chapter title, or any other indicative data may be included.  

Electronic books purchased or consulted in a library  

Many books in electronic editions may have a printed equivalent. Given possible differences between both editions, quoting the version which has been consulted is advisable.  

Austen, Jane. 2008. Pride and Prejudice. Nueva York: Penguin Classics. PDF Edition.

(Austen 2008)

Book consulted online  

Gutiérrez Ordoñez, Salvador. 1981. Lingüística y semántica: Aproximación funcional. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo.

Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Accessed on february 28 of 2010.

(Gutiérrez Ordoñez 1981)

(Kurland y Lerner, cap. 10, doc. 19)


  1. Article in journal


Article in a printed journal  

If applicable, in the text the concrete page numbers must be quoted. In the list of reference the numbers of the first and last page of the complete article must be included.  

Hernández Guerrero, María José. 2011. «Presencia y utilización de la traducción en la prensa española». Meta 56, n.º1: 101-118.

(Hernández Guerrero 2011, 115)

Article on an online journal  

Specify the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if the journal has any. Otherwise, specify the URL and accession date.  

Feliu Albadalejo, Ángeles. 2011. «La publicidad institucional en la arena parlamentaria española». Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 66: 454-481. doi:10.4185/RLCS-66-2011-941-454-481.

Feliu Albadalejo, Ángeles. 2011. «La publicidad institucional en la arena parlamentaria española». Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 66: 454-481. Accessed on february 2 of 2015. http://

(Feliu Albadalejo 2011, 470)


  1. Article in newspapers or magazines


Articles in a newspaper or magazine may be quoted in the main text as follows («As Sheryl Stolberg and Robert Pear mention in an article published in the New York Times on February 27, 2010, …”). In general they are not included in the list of references. The following example is a more formal version of notes. If an article is consulted online the URL and the accession date must be included. If the author is not identified the note must begin with the title of the article.  

Stolberg, Sheryl Gay, and Robert Pear. 2010. «Wary Centrists Posing Challenge in Health Care Vote». New York Times, 27 de febrero. Accessed on february 28 of 2010. http://www.nytimes. com/2010/02/28/us/politics/28health.html.

(Stolberg y Pear 2010)


  1. Book review


Kamp, David. 2006. «Deconstructing Dinner». Review of The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, de Michael Pollan. New York Times, april 23, Sunday Book Review.

(Kamp 2006)


  1. Dissertation or Thesis


Hernández Rubio, Francisco José. 2010. «Los límites del eliminacionismo: Una solución epigenética al problema mente-cerebro». Doctoral thesis. Universidad de Murcia. http://hdl.

(Hernández Rubio 2010)


  1. Papers presented in conferences, congresses or other similar events


Rodríguez Vázquez, Silvia. 2012. «Flujos de traducción: Herramientas de ayuda a la gestión de proyectos en función de la situación de trabajo». Conference given at the Universidad de Salamanca, november 8.

(Rodríguez Vázquez 2012)


  1. Website


Quotations of materials from a website may frequently be limited to an in-text reference («On July 19, 2008 Mc Donalds’ corporation mentioned in their website…»). If authors wish to provide a more formal quotation the following model may be adopted. Given that website contents are subject to changes, the accession date must be provided. If the date of its last change is available it must be indicated.  

McDonald’s Corporation. 2008. «McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy Safety Facts». Accessed on July 19

(McDonald’s 2008)


  1. Blog entry or commentary


Blog entries or commentaries may be quoted inside the main text («In a commentary published in the Blog de Lengua española on March 13, 2012, …»). In general they are not included in the list of references. If an entry in these references is necessary, be sure to quote the blog entry, but mentioning the commentaries in the main text only (If an accession date is required add it before the URL).   

Ramírez, José Luis. 2012. «Hacer los deberes». Blog de Lengua española. Accessed march 17.

(Ramírez 2012)


  1. Personal communications and interviews


References to conversations, interviews, email messages or text messages are normally included in the main text («During a telephone conversation with the author on July 7, 2010, the trade union leader admitted that …»). They are very seldom included in the list of references. 

(Lourdes Díaz, correo electrónico al author, 15 de mayo de 2011)

Please note that the quotation of a personal communication or an interview may also be complemented with a footnote or an endnote at the end of a chapter. («According to Benjamin Spock, during an interview with Milton J.E. Senn on November 20, 1974,8 …»).

8 Spock, interview 67A, transcript Senn Oral History Collection, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD.

(Spock, interview with Senn, November 20, 1974)²

² Benjamin Spock, interview with Milton J. E. Senn, November 20, 1974, interview 67A, transcript Senn Oral History Collection, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD.


  1. Works registered in data bases


For documents located though data bases or repositories, the name of each one of them must be indicated. Between parentheses, the recommended identification number must be included as well.

Choi, Mihwa. 2008. «Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty». Doctoral thesis. Chicago University. ProQuest (AAT 3300426).


  1. Legal document and jurisprudence


Most legal and public writings quote documents inside the main text, rather than in notes, and include almost no bibliography. Legal writings needing more than mentioning a source in the text will have to resort footnotes or endnotes. For more details and examples see chapter 14 of the Manual de Estilo de Chicago-Deusto.


  • The article must be preceded by an abstract in the paper (between 200 and 250 words) in original language, Spanish and English. Three key words in original language, Spanish and English must be included as well. The article title must be written in both original language, Spanish and English. Finally, three Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes must be included following the JEL classification at:
  • Acknowledgements must go in the second footnote of the article.
  • For bibliographic references the Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo follows the Documentation II system: quotations author-year (with basic format author-year references, Lists of References and in-text references; and special case author-year references) (Torres Ripa 2013).
  • If tables and/or graphs are included, authors must submit the original files. For example: Excel archive. Their inclusion must adjust to the pre-determined page size.

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism: Detection through electronic means, style detection, and steps to which suspected deceitful uses in the article are subjected in order to determine if the authors’ conduct code must be applied.

If the Editorial Board considers that a submission is of interest for the Anuario the anti-plagiarism PaperRater is used in order to check if the manuscript is original. If this software does not detect plagiarism, knowledgeable Editorial Board members conduct a second scrutiny stage. A last instance of anti-plagiarism checkup is conducted during the peer-review process. Two outside reviewers who do not belong to the editorial team, and to our institution, undertake this responsibility. If plagiarism is detected during any of these instances the peer review process is interrupted, the manuscript is rejected, and the author is duly informed about the reasons for this decision.


Manuscript submission: address and format


Manuscripts are acknowledged, filed, and screened by the Editorial Board and outside reviewers who do not belong to the editorial team and the institution. A double blind review process is done because reviewers do not know who the author of the manuscript is, and authors do not know who the evaluators are. Articles are first screened by the Editorial Board to check compliance of editorial specifications and suitability of publication. Manuscripts who do not comply with established requirements are rejected. If they comply with them they are admitted for external review. Then two outside reviewers evaluate the manuscript. In case of disagreements between reviewers either the Editorial Board and/or the Director of the Anuario make a final decision. If outside reviewers do not disagree the final decisión regarding publication and reviews is taken on the basis of their evaluations. Two favorable recommendations are needed. Possible verdicts on manuscripts are: accepted, accepted subject to minor changes, accepted subject to major changes, or rejected. The evaluation process takes between two and four months. When publication is approved authors grant the Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo (CEEED) all copyrights to distribute and reproduce the articles through any means.  


Submission Process


  1. Manuscripts must be sent in modifiable digital format only (.doc; .rtf; .docx; .odt; etc.) to the following email address:; and uploaded through the OJS. Prior registration is required:
  2. Authors who are not registered may do so at the following link:
  3. As soon as the submission is sent authors will receive formal acknowledgement of receipt from the editorial board of the Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo. This will initiate the formal evaluation process, which take four months at the most.


Submission check up list:


As part of the submission process, authors must check that their submission meets all the requirements listed below. Manuscripts that do not comply with them will be promptly returned.


  1. The manuscript must be unpublished and should not have beeen submitted to another journal.
  2. The dossier submitted must be in modifiable digital format

    (.doc; .rtf; .docx; .odt; etc.)

  1. Whenever possible web addresses for references must have been included.
  2. The main text should be typed in single space and 11 points font. Cursive instead of underlined script must be used (except for the URL addresses). All illustrations, figures and tables must be included in their proper place in the main text, not at the end of the manuscript.


  1. If tables and/or graphs are included, the original files in the program with which they were drawn must be sent. For example: an Excel files. Their size must fit in the actual size of the corresponding page.


  1. The text must comply with the bibliographic and style requirements specified in the Authors Instructions listed above.


Authors Copyright Notice


The Anuario operates under the Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. It is a free distribution journal sustained by the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, which undertakes to protect the intelectual copyrights of its members.


Authors publishing their manuscripts in the Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo agree with the following terms:


Authors keep their copyright and guarantee to the Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo the right to be the first place where their manuscripts are published, as well as their licensing under a Creative Commons: Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) which allows other interested parties to share them with due acknowledgement of their authorship and that this journal was the first avenue for their publication.


Authors may reach their own additional agreements for non-exclusive distribution of the versions of their manuscripts published in the Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo (for example, by uploading them in an institutional repository or publishing them in a book). But due acknowledgement of earlier publication in the Anuario is required.


Authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their manuscripts through electronic means (for example in institutional repositories or their own webpage) before and during the submission process, on the understanding that this may elicit productive exchanges, as well as earlier and more frequent references of their published work.


Privacy Declaration


Names and email addresses listed in the Anuario will be used only for the declared purposes of the journal, and will not be available for other purposes or people.


Av. Córdoba 2122, 2º piso, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, República Argentina
Tel: +54 11 5 285-6826
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